Bioseutica's COVID-19 pandemic pledge
Zeewolde, March 28, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic worries us all. Our employees' and their families' health and welfare are paramount in our minds. We take our responsibility to provide a safe and secure workplace very seriously. As a supplier to the food and pharmaceutical sectors, the manufacturing we do is an essential service, so we continue to manufacture products during this time. However, we are taking some exceptional measures to protect the health of our employees and their families at all our sites.
- To maintain appropriate social distancing as prescribed, all employees who can work from home will work from home.
- At the workplace, in addition to the usual good manufacturing practices normally in force, we are including the additional measures mandated by WHO and local authorities
- Use of personal protection devices
- Increased social distance measurements, reduced and rotating working teams
- Enhanced hygiene and cleaning routines
- Practicing good respiratory hygiene
- Any employees who are not feeling well, regardless of the reason, are asked to stay home
- At this time, only essential external services are allowed to enter the workplace to make repairs, and they are vetted for adherence to health and travel restrictions before entry
In this way, we safeguard the health of our team and continue to supply our customers. We are proud of our team and thank everyone for their tremendous effort in this moment of enormous difficulty and dedication to the company and our customers. We are closely monitoring the situation to be ready to immediately adopt even more stringent measures for the health of our team. We wish you, your teams, and your loved ones the best during this challenging time. Together, we can!
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our: